Smart Cold Chain Traceability Solutions for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Business Scenario

The pharmaceutical sector faces tremendous pressure to meet the expectations of increasing vaccination and medicine production, rigorous supply chain management, and cost optimisation in a highly dynamic and uncertain macro environment. Powered by Blockchain and IoT technology, PwC’s cold chain traceability solution promotes trust by increasing visibility for stakeholders. Critically, it also empowers hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, retailers, and government authorities to improve how they manage their operations throughout the entire supply chain.

Business Challenges

Lack of Transparency and Visibility

Information across logistical links can be unclear. This makes tracing products, building stakeholder trust, as well as customer confidence for cold chain mediations more difficult.

Lack of Tools to Satisfy Regulatory Reporting

Regulators have increased their requirements for pharmaceutical cold chain-related companies. The lack of effective tools to keep up with the changes raises challenges for regulatory reporting.

Lack of Trusted Cold Chain Data

Due to commercial interests, there is the ongoing possibility and risk that data from cold chain databases can be tampered with.

How We Can Help

PwC's cold chain traceability solution focuses on delivering a platform that promotes reliability, collaboration, and safety.

Using IoT devices to transmit data metrics such as GPS coordinates and temperature means that the quality and legitimacy of goods can be more readily authenticated. The improved visibility helps minimise the risk of recall and brand damage.

Even more importantly, the data is consolidated into a unified platform that can be securely accessed by all approved users. The platform also includes a range of features such as real-time reporting and dashboard creation to vastly improve daily operations.

Key Features

End-to-End Traceability The solution offers a reliable platform for real-time tracking of medical equipment and sensitive medications from the point of origin to destination.

Dashboard and Reporting Data is stored securely in a unified database that can be readily accessed by all assigned users. Reports and dashboards can also be easily customised and directly generated from the platform.

Authenticity Verification Using blockchain and IoT technology, the possibilities for harm to befall customers due to counterfeit products are greatly reduced. All encoded medications can be cross-checked to ensure quality and authenticity.

Business Benefits

Collaboration and Trust Real-time traceability can help enhance trust-based relationships with medical suppliers and partners.

Operational Excellence With dashboard and data visualisation, hospital personnel will be able to spend less time on inventory management and administrative reporting.

Reduce Risks of Cold Chain Transportation Real-time queries of the available cold chain status data can effectively monitor the status of logistics, and control storage temperature enabling early detection of problems and more accurate risk management.

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