Digital Business Portal

PwC's Digital Business Portal keeps individuals and corporates up to date on key regulatory changes through CPD validating videos and seminars created by practicing tax, legal and accounting professionals. This is the portal for those who value the potent combination of insights and tools as the key to doing truly valuable compliance work.

How we can help

Practical insights from real cases

Get insights from regular or tailored seminars by practicing tax, legal and accounting professionals about key regulatory changes for better decision making

Learn whilst you gain validated CPD time

Accrue validated CPD time as you broaden your knowledge and keep up to date with videos on the latest regulatory trends

Relevant compliance templates

Key compliance templates and tools that help smooth the compliance workflow and help you apply your newly gained insights

How Digital Business Portal works

From individuals to corporates who need to expand their knowledge and accrue validated CPD time, Digital Business Portal provides in-depth education on an online platform with on-demand convenience. It also runs with a combination of tax, corporate compliance, legal templates and useful information, complimenting with a training workshop and enquiry hotline.


  • Select tax/legal document template
  • Fill in client specific data for document auto-creation
  • Preview, download and save client specific document

Learning course:

  • Select the learning course that you are interested
  • Play the learning course
  • Provide feedback
  • Obtain completion certficate

Product features

Updates on key current topics

The portal houses and updates on new seminars that provide insights on any current topics or new regulatory changes

Seminars with practical perspectives

These seminars will impart well rounded knowledge and analysis on any issue thanks to perspectives from professionals in tax, legal and accounting

Gain validated CPD time anywhere

Access lessons and courses that can accrue validated CPD time as you expand your knowledge anytime, anywhere

Accurate and comprehensive platform

Comprehensive compliance templates and tools to help increase accuracy and speed of filings

Use cases

In-house accountant / finance team

It assists the finance team on its daily business needs, with self-help templates covering Hong Kong profits tax, salaries tax, legal, corporate compliance and transfer pricing aspects. These templates available also act as a guidebook for staff to prepare high quality deliverables efficiently and in a consistent manner to avoid potential penalties from incompliance to corporate administration and regulations. It is critical for staff to maintain their industry knowledge and skills whilst being up-to-date with market and technical information. The e-learning programs enable staff to polish their skills and be informed with the latest technical updates and information. Professional staff can even satisfy their license requirements and keep track of current legislation.

Start-ups / SMEs

"Start-ups / SMEs may only have limited resources. The Portal assists the start-ups and SMEs to prepare high quality deliverables with affordable subscription fee. It lessens the needs for start-ups to reach out external service providers which may charge a higher service fee. We will also hold training workshops and offer an enquiry hotline to provide basic business support to them. The subscription of Portal can obviously save their costs.

On the other hand, they can keep up-to-date industry knowledge and keep track with updates on current laws and regulation from our learning courses."


Compliance Tool

Provide frequently-used legal and tax templates and assessments for self-help

HK$5,000per quarterGet in touch

Learning Module

Provide online learning videos and seminars for professionals to keep their knowledge up-to-date as well as fulfilling their annual CPD requirement

HK$5,000per quarterGet in touch

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