Building a Sustainable Environment with Smart Office Solution
Our Solutions | Digital Transformation
Business Scenario
Sustainability is becoming a nation-wide agenda for businesses and investors are more awareness of enterprise sustainability. As office spaces are an essential part for businesses that impacts daily operations, it is a good space to begin your sustainability journey. PwC's solution for sustainability simplifies workspace operations to improve employee well-being, reduce carbon footprint, and demonstrate accountability and commitment towards ESG initiatives. Using Smart Office, office data is consolidated in a centralised platform to support sustainability reporting and operations.
Business Challenges
Low Employee Satisfaction
Not clearly showing your commitment to social responsibility can decrease employee engagement especially around ineffective utilisation of office resources.
High Energy Consumption
Office equipment, lighting, and other resources are not effectively utilised which leads to a waste of resources.
Inefficient Office Space Usage
Office space is not fully utilised as workers are shifting to a new, flexible working culture.
How We Can Help
Combining PwC thought leadership in sustainability and ESG with our Smart Office Solution, we can help you evaluate existing gaps, develop a customised sustainability strategy, and support your social and sustainability initiatives.
According to PwC's 24th Global CEO survey, more than half of the surveyed CEOs plans to increase investments in sustainability and ESG initiatives. The Smart Office Solution can help strengthen your firm's overall brand image by showing your commitment to create a positive impact for customers, investors, employees and society.
Key Features
Smart Office IoT Capabilities Simple integration with smart office equipment, intelligent power management, motion sensors and other data tools can set up a data-driven ecosystem to maximise energy savings.
Resource Management Tool Office managers can easily manage resources and equipment to ensure maximum utility and usage throughout the entire office.
Business Reporting & Analytics Cost and energy savings data from lighting control, environmental sensors, and space operations are all easily consolidated in a centralised platform for easy reporting.
Business Benefits
Sustainability and Investor Confidence Our Smart Office solution allows your company to demonstrate your commitment towards sustainability, which is one of the key criteria for ESG compliance.
Carbon Footprint Reduction The many features of our Smart Office Solution can help drastically improve the usage efficiency of energy and resources.
Employee Wellness Improvement Overall employee wellness is significantly improved as they feel more empowered through effective usage of office space and resources.
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